Monday, April 2, 2012

Bingley and Jane

I hear an expectation from Longbourn that Jane is to be engaged to Bingley. Mrs. Bennet tells me that it is practically certain, and they are just waiting for  Bingley's proposal. What a commotion about such simplicity. Bingley needs to propose immediately. That worked perfectly for me with Charlotte.


  1. Yes, I agree! The waiting around for the proposal is agonizing! Perhaps you should write Mr. Bingley with advice, for your are peacefully married. I cannot stand the suspense! My sense is being frazzled daily from the wait.

  2. I am glad that you got the news of me and Bingley. He is a great man and I know he will make me happy. It may be such commotion for you, but I think it is the most exciting event that has happened in my life. Thank you for your concern of Bingley proposing me as soon as possible.
