Sunday, April 1, 2012

My Letter

I made the decision to write a letter to Mr. Bennet, discussing his daughter's unfortunate situation. The opinions which I have held on this matter the entire time, I detailed in the letter. What a disastrous situation for that entire family. How glad I am that I did not further tie myself to the Bennets by marrying Lizzy, I cannot express.The disgrace I avoided is on my mind every day as I ruminate on what might have been.


  1. I can only tell you how happy it makes me to know that your do not look on Lizzys rejection with embarressment. I am also pleased to know that you dont have any more pressing matters to attend to than the gossip about my familly. So I take the apperance of your letter to mean that thing are going well between you and your new wife. I am truely happy for you. Best wishes.

  2. You should have been more concerned about the safety of Lydia. The thought of embarrassment should have been far from your mind. I am glad that you only worry about the disgrace it would have placed on you. It really shows what kind of person you truly are.

  3. It seems to me that you're always judging those around you without reflecting on yourself personally. Step back and take a look in the mirror. Honestly, do you like what you see? You're repulsive. As Lydia is a disgrace to the Bennets, you are a disgrace to the Lucas's.

  4. Collins, I have to say I am not surprised by your actions. You are always belittling others to make yourself seem better when the truth is you're not. Everyone thinks poorly of you even your wife, yet you're too blind to see it. As of my family, my marriage to you would have been more damaging to the family than Lydia's.

  5. We all have problems in our family Mr. Collins. Please do not be talking so ill about our family in which you were willing to accpet being part of. I know that you and your wife are having a great relationship, but that is something different from what we have in my family. It is not gentle if you are talking about my lovely family like that.
