Monday, April 2, 2012

Bingley's Proposal

I am glad to say that there is a family wedding coming up, and a proper one too. Jane and Bingley will make quite a fetching couple. This is not brilliant for me and Charlotte, as the entail now goes to Mr. Bingley. Oh well! When one is as rich in connections and station as Charlotte and I, there is no need for another estate in addition to the two we have already. My lovely land at Hunsford coupled with the free use of Lady Catherine's land is enough to fully satisfy me.


  1. I appreciate your joy for Mr. Bingley and Jane's prospective marriage! I quite agree that they suit each other extremely well, and I cannot imagine another couple that has more love and compassion for one another. My mother no longer has to worry about Jane's future, and it is nice to finally see her at ease, at least for the time being. I am glad to hear that you and Charlotte are doing well, and I hope you both know that you are welcome in Longbourn whenever you please.

  2. I also love this matchup. When I at first broke these two up I was young and nieve. Now I see how much they love and support each other with their admiration. This is truly a blessing that i got them back together.

  3. Oh I thank you so much, Mr. Collins! You have honored with the simple comment of my dear Bingley and I making a fetching couple? Such happiness you bring me! But I feel sorrowful that my family's estate is no longer in your hands. I am pleased to hear that you are still happy with what you have! Again, thank you, Mr. Collins!

  4. We are all pleased of your approval toward Jane and Bingley. It seems that the Bingley wedding has everyone buzzing about. It is very fortunate that something good has come of this and that my dear sister is happy. Our family security is quite important to my mother. And now, we are granted the long term ownership of our current estate and for that, I'm aware she could not be happier.
