Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Note

The note from Lydia proves her incorrigibility. Mr. Bennet should make his family immediately cut ties with that girl. Not only for their sake but for my sake as well as Charlotte's. What would Lady Catherine say of me having such relatives? Actually I have already heard. We had a lengthy discourse at Rosings this morning about Lydia's situation, and she highly disapproves.


  1. You are so right, Mr. Collins. She is such an embarrasment that it is ridiculous! Mr. Wickham and Lydia would actually make a great couple because they bring embarrasment to their families! Your idea to break ties from them is genius!

  2. I do not think that your openion is entirely fair. I hope you dont take any of this offencively. Lydia is just a young girl and had she known the whole truth about him she never would have done it. I am sure she cant realize the severity of her actions and therefor, can not be held acountabe. Please take this into concideration. Iam sorry if Ihave offended you.

  3. Mr. Collins! You should be worried about the health of this girl and hear you are bad-naming her and requesting the Bennet family to cut off all ties with her? Well I, for one, am going to spend my resources looking for the whereabouts of the girl and not worry about my image!

  4. My dear cousin, I cannot believe that you could be so cruel! I am as angry at Lydia as the rest of my family, but she is young and silly. She is chasing love, which you obviously lack in many ways.

  5. It seems like all my friends do not like Wickham. Maybe someone should try and stop them to help Lydia. Lydia never seemed to be all there when I met her. I have to try and stop getting so involved with the Bennet's, but I just care about them..

  6. I knew that family was up to no good. No governess- whos heard of such a thing. If only I had known the family earleir on I could have saved them. Unfortunately it is too late, I do hope the mother learns and regrets her decisions.

  7. Why are you not concerned about Lydia? She is young and could be in trouble. I know that i will be trying to help find her whereabouts. The image of this girl is not what is important.

  8. I could not agree more! She has not done anything that brings pride to herself, or her family. Wickham and her and perfect for each other: they would embarrass themselves!

  9. She still has hope, and I shall not cut ties with her, ever! All this will settle down in a while after they are found. Do NOT say anymore. Your opinions have been noted, and disposed of properly.
