Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I have had a remarkable Easter holiday, mainly because Lady Catherine invited me and my company to dine at Rosings that evening. Ah, what splendor! What furnishings! If only my home could measure up, but that depressing sort of sentiment shall not be dwelled upon when I can bask in the glow of Lady Catherine’s home. Anyways, I properly met for the first time a Colonel Fitzwilliam, cousin of Mr. Darcy. I dislike Mr. Darcy, as he seemed somewhat affronted by my greetings the first time we met at Netherfield. However, his cousin was a perfect gentleman and a very pleasant man. Lady Catherine, though diverting most of her attention for the evening to her two nephews, was as usual in good form, and I fear that I may have done something to offend her. I shall have to plan more creatively sincere flattery for the lady.


  1. Oh my dear Mr. Collins, I am happy you had such a wonder holiday! I wish I could have said the same, but I have not done much. I have simply been tending to my own hobbies such as playing the piano and such. Moving along, I believe I am yet to meet this Colonel Fitzwilliam you speak of. I am sure he is as kind as you say he is. I, however, believe Mr. Darcy is also a kind man and shouldn’t be disliked! I am also concerned with you angering Lady Catherine. I believe you couldn’t possibly have made her upset! She was most likely enjoying the evening with the presence of her two nephews, she must have missed them, and so she wished to spend time with them. So worry not, her favor will not leave your own anytime soon.

  2. How I do agree with you, Mr. Collins, that Colonel Fitzwilliam's character and manner is quite impressive! He is such a pleasure to converse with, and it was nice to never feel obligated to think of a topic to discuss as I feel I have to with Mr. Darcy. However, I felt that Lady Catherine was becoming a bit irritated with Colonel Fitzwilliam because he spent most of the night with me, but she has no reason to fret. My situation is certainly not the most agreeable, and I can only imagine what Mr. Darcy has told Colonel Fitzwilliam of my personality and my behavior, even if he is in love with me.
