Saturday, March 24, 2012

Introducing Georgina

Georgina Darcy was recently introduced to Lizzy and the Gardiners. Georgina is quite accomplished, and I have heard only the best about her from her aunt Lady Catherine. I hope that Georgina becomes fast friends with Lizzy, for Lizzy needs a friend of such class and poise. While the Darcys do have a bit to much familial pride, and Mr. Darcy is quite irritating, Georgina is lovely. Lizzy could use a positive influence to temper her wild spirits.


  1. I will say thank you for complementing my sister; she is indeed very nice and accomplished. Also, the complement on my family was nice also. Continuously, I also would like Georgiana to become friends with Elizabeth. Although, I agreed with your other comments, I did not agree with the one pertaining me. I feel that the comment is just another sign of your jealousy.

  2. Georgiana is indeed very talented and lovely. I don't like how you dissed my friend though! Lizzy is an outspoken person and I would hate if she changed her ways by hanging around Miss Darcy, but I guess you can think what you want.

  3. The manners represented by my nephew is outstanding. His action by introucing Georgiana was so polite i am proud. He never ceases to amaze me. Georgiana is also a fine young girl, and i'm glad to see her mingling- even if it is with lesser people.

  4. I have also heard such wonderful things about Miss Darcy! I am yet to meet her, but I hope to in the future. It must truly be an honor to meet someone of such class and accomplishments! I am sad to hear you believe Mr. Darcy is irritating! Oh that is truly a horror, I wish you would not think badly of him; I would never want to hear anything ill of you. As for my dear Elizabeth, calling her wild isn’t very good in my opinion. I do not think my younger sister is wild in any way! She is caring and strong and such a good person… Of course, I know you only meant well; forgive me for sounding so rude. I bid you farewell, Mr. Collins, until we meet again!

  5. My encounter with Miss Darcy was absolutely delightful. She is such a sweet girl, and oh so beautiful and talented! It seems that she and Darcy are not opposite as you have explained though. Darcy plays an alpha role, but as you progress further in your acquaintanceship with him, you learn that he is actually opposite of what others presume him to be. You are displaying great prejudice in judging him the way you have. For that, I feel sorry for you.
