Saturday, March 24, 2012

Lizzy Meets Darcy at Pemberley

Charlotte tells me that Lizzy ran into Darcy at Pemberley. I cannot imagine what would make Lizzy seek that man out. He is absolutely annoying. And his grounds cannot be that beautiful to draw her there if she claims to despise that man so much. I certainly hope that she does not like him. A lot of my respect for her would be lost if she actually liked Darcy.


  1. Well Mr. Collin's, I would not blame a man like you to not want Elizabeth to like me. I can tell you're jealous of me, but I cannot blame you. So many men are jealous of me. You just cannot take that Elizabeth is slowly falling for me and a women like her would never fall for you. I know that you are a "married" man, so you do not focus on other girls, but I know when another man is jealous of me and I can tell that you're jealous of Elizabeth slowly falling for me.

  2. First of all Mr. Collins, I am a great man who is ten times better than you. You need to learn where you belong in society. Don't be jealous of Elizabeth falling for me just because she turned you down. Watch your mouth because I have a lot of money and can make your life very miserable.

  3. Mr. Collins, I cannot believe that you would assume such a thing! Of course I don't like Mr.Darcy, and really, did you ever consider that perhaps Darcy was seeking me? You really need to work on your image Mr. Collins, because at the current moment it is coming across as pompous and cruel.

  4. Be careful what you say Mr.Collins. Let me warn you that Lady Catherine is my close aunt, and she is going to be very ill of your comments toward me. You are nothing compare to me, and you connections as well as level is society are inferior to mine. You should have more respect for Lizzy if she likes me.

  5. It is not very respectful to talk about Mr. Darcy like that Mr. Collins. Please be sencere and if you do not have a positive comment about anyone, keep those comments to yourself. I know that you are a great gentleman that knows how to treat people. Saying those comments about Darcy is not showing those unbelievably mannars that you have.

  6. It is not as if I went searching for him on purpose, Mr. Collins! I merely agreed to go on a trip and did not expect to see Darcy there. He arrived earlier than expected. I must say though, that we had a lovely time together.
