Saturday, March 24, 2012

Lydia's Elopement

Lydia, my cousin, has eloped with Wickham. What a disgrace! I have been repeating and repeating myself over and over again to the Bennet family that sending Lydia right to the militia is a bad idea. She is a wild girl, and cannot be trusted. If this issue is not resolved in a few days, I will send a letter to Mr. Bennet detailing my opinion. He would do well to listen to me,


  1. She IS incredibly wild. Everyone tried to warn the Bennet parents that sending that crazy girl to Brighton would lead to nothing but trouble. We were all right Mr. and Mrs. Bennet! I think they need to think more about their actions.

  2. I agree with you for the first time in my life Mr. Collins. Mr. Wickham is a terrible man and this is certainly a terrible situation. I have no idea what Lydia was thinking when she got involved with him. I certainly hope the best for her. I just think this could have been avoided if her parents wouldnt of sent her off.

  3. Pleas be careful what you say in public. My sister may be wild, but she still is a child and most children do have a wild essence. Forgive me if I seem rude or offensive, but I must stand up for my sister.

  4. I also highly disapprove of Lydia's irrational, unpredictable actions. She has shamed my family, and when I find her, I will severely reprimand her.

  5. Like I have told Mrs.Bennet. Wickham is only using Lydia to get what he wants, and he is vicious. He has done the same thing to a very close acquaintance of mine, and I hope everyone can see the truth behing Wickham. Additionally, I think the best thing to do right now is to get Lydia far away from Wickham to save her.
