Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Visits to My Parsonage

Frankly, I can barely claim that I have gotten much preaching into my busy schedule lately. Between my own time spent at Rosings, my reading, and my gardening, I barely have enough time to tend to my parishioners. Thankfully, they are not rich enough to influence Lady Catherine, who, as my patroness, is the only one that matters. Anyways, I have been receiving a surprisingly high number of visits from Mr. Darcy and Colonel Fitzwilliam. Almost every day, they are at my parsonage. I simply cannot figure out their motives, but my guess is something to do with my brilliant home and my dazzling personality.


  1. As my stay at your home has progressed, Mr. Collins, I have noticed that you and your wife spend an ample amount of time at Rosings, attending to the needs of Lady Catherine. I feel that there is not a sufficient enough reason to dedicate so much of your time to her; I understand she is quite esteemed and dignified, but your home and matters should be of more importance than hers. You and Charlotte should reconsider the amount of time spent each week devoted to Lady Catherine and focus more on the well-being and happiness of your marriage. If Lady Catherine is the kind, generous woman you consistently praise, she will only understand and support you and your reasons for doing so.

  2. Oh, Mr. Collins you are such a funny gentleman indeed. So very caring towards Lady Catherine, but do not forget to spend most of your time with your newly wed wife. You two make such an extravagant couple. Surely Lady Catherine does not matter more to you rather than your own wife? I am sure that you do not wish to win Lady Catherine over after your marriage for I believe you are not the type to do this. You must have your reasons, but i do hope the best for you.

  3. The time i have spent at your house has been very enjoyable. I hope that i have not been too much of an intruder. my own house gets very boring sometimes, and my aunt seems to think very highly of you. From what i have seen she is right as you seem to be a very respectable person.
